Saturday, January 19, 2013

Depending on God!

It kind of sucks to know that we can not depend on people...because ultimatly they will let us down. We can not even depend on ourself because if we place our faith in what we see we will fail. The key is to place our faith in God.

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Blossoming Butterfly?

A lot of people have always asked me "why do you have Blossoming Butterfly as your middle name on facebook?". And I respond "When I came to know the Lord, He called me His 'Blossoming Butterfly'. He stated that I am growing into the women of God He has created me to be. So since then I have left my title as Blossoming Butterfly.

God has gifted me in a lot of different areas of my life that I do not focus in on like writing, art, ministry, speaking in front of people or doing photography. Some of these things I love doing on a daily basis but other things I stray away from because I fear that I can not compete with others in those fields. God has shown me that it is not about competing but more about glorifying Him with the gifts He has blessed me with. This year I am deciding to give them all over to God and take out time to crave these crafts with God.

While doing them I am going to let you guys in on the joys, hard times, and interesting moments that I have in my new life with my Savior Jesus Christ!...A life that is more of a relationship with Christ rather than a religion!

I love God....and I pray that after you guys read my blog you will also fall deeper or deeply in love this amazing God.